What do you do when you run out of solutions for an unforeseen deficiency or structural problem on an ongoing restoration project? If you are not familiar with any or all of the following materials, Ambex, Cintec, HeliFix, RureGold or VoidSpan then your options are limited based on what is currently in your structural toolbox. Without knowing about these proven, everyday systems you cannot consider their use which could cut days, weeks or even months off your projects potentially extended schedule. Whether you are an engineer, an architect or a contractor you owe it to the project to be well informed and up-to-date on any and all means, methods or materials that could lessen the overall impact of an unforeseen condition and keep the project on schedule.
On one tower project where the engineer had spent almost two years developing specs for a tower stabilization when an unforeseen masonry problem arose, based on their knowledge of one of the above products, the solution was implemented within a week, which in normal circumstances might have taken months.