When all local traditional methods for stabilization of the brick structures at Angkor Wat had been exhausted. ConSpec was consulted by the Conservator based on our knowledge and representation of numerous masonry stabilization and strengthening means, methods and materials. To provide the most effective and least intrusive solution we traveled to the site and installed the HeliFix DryFix anchors for their review.
SIDEWALKS – Better, Faster, Cheaper – More Durable
SIDEWALKS – Better, Faster, Cheaper, also more durable and longer lasting. Eliminating rebar or any metal mesh in sidewalks will accomplish all of the above, If the major portion of the commercial SOG (Slab-On-Grade) community is moving in that direction with non metallic Structural Fiber for major warehousing and manufacturing floors, use for sidewalks just makes sense. Let your Ready Mix provider provide your reinforcing and eliminate all the hassle of rebar placement. Available through your local concrete supplier.
Portland Cement Skin over Masonry – BAD
FACT – Place a dense material such as Portland Cement Stucco/System over a more permeable substrate such as brownstone or even worse, masonry, and FAILURE is guaranteed. As the moisture attempts to exit the building in the colder months, when it hits the interface, by definition, water has to build up at the denser interface so with freeze/thaw the weaker of the two has to fail and delamination occurs. If it is latex or resin modified the process is only accelerated.
This holds true whether it is a Brownstone re-skin or a Portland Cement based FRCM. While great for concrete, if you value your masonry please take this into consideration on your next masonry stabilization or strengthening project. Use of a material such an an inorganic cement which is made to be sympathetic to masonry substrates is always preferred.
Unforseen Restoration Project Structural Deficiencies
What do you do when you run out of solutions for an unforeseen deficiency or structural problem on an ongoing restoration project? If you are not familiar with any or all of the following materials, Ambex, Cintec, HeliFix, RureGold or VoidSpan then your options are limited based on what is currently in your structural toolbox. Without knowing about these proven, everyday systems you cannot consider their use which could cut days, weeks or even months off your projects potentially extended schedule. Whether you are an engineer, an architect or a contractor you owe it to the project to be well informed and up-to-date on any and all means, methods or materials that could lessen the overall impact of an unforeseen condition and keep the project on schedule.
On one tower project where the engineer had spent almost two years developing specs for a tower stabilization when an unforeseen masonry problem arose, based on their knowledge of one of the above products, the solution was implemented within a week, which in normal circumstances might have taken months.
Cement Based Carbon Fiber Anchor for FRP & FRCM Systems
Cintec designs an anchor for both FRP and FRCM (RureGold) based Systems with their sock/cement technology. Works just as well with resin systems with guaranteed pullout, easy to install and fireproof. Installs with battery operated bulk cement caulking gun. Based on proven sock/cement by Cintec, used industry wide for almost 50 years. Engineered for the engineer, constructed for the contractor.
Same technology when used with threaded stainless steel rod in lieu of carbon fiber rope is ideal for CMU and Speed Tile thin wall sections providing maximum pullout and shear.
LINKEDIN GROUP – Means, Methods and Materials for Restoration of the Built Environment
Means, Methods and Materials for Restoration of the Built Environment – Combining tradition with technology for the most current solutions to the restoration requirements of the built environment for owners, contractors and specifiers provided by a growing list of the world’s best restoration specialists. As new and innovative techniques are developed it is hoped that they can be vetted by both their potential clients as well as their peers.Almost 6000 restoration professions worldwide interested in discussing and solving restoration problems with sustainable remedies.
Shaft Application of RureGold Cement Based Carbon Fiber
As easy to apply as stucco, no smell, just cement, and has a Class A Fire Rating. Projects include Penthouse applications with as little as 26SF, Tower applications of 7,000SF and elevator shafts up to 100,000SF. Click video below to see application video.
University Tower Projects with RureGold
Two recents applications of RureGold Cement Based Carbon Fiber for masonry tower application, one specified (King Juan Carlos Tower, NYU) and one, unforeseen conditions (Lehigh University) during stabilization project. Second project as a result of Architect having previous knowledge and use of the Rurgold on another project. Whiting Turner saved weeks on project schedule, supporting ConSpec’s SIP vs ROAR Philosophy.
HeliFix PatchPin
After completing a recent parking garage that used over 30,000 HeliFix PatchPins with the contractor eventually saying “I wouldn’t use anything else!” I wondered how many of my concrete repair contractors are still spending $4-7/pin using the old resin and threaded rod method compared to about $2 installed for the PatchPin. Please confirm or dispute my numbers but watch the “17 second” installation video and consider – time to install, no waste of plastic or epoxy, use 1 or 10,000 at a time, NO CLEANING OF THE DRILL HOLE, it’s a DryFIx!, carry a days supply IN YOUR POCKET, bend easily as required, tie SS wire as needed. Think about it.
SSD – Just How Important
SATURATED SURFACE DRY – Gives new meaning to the term when you have to hit several repeated times with a hose. Think the brick was a bit dry for this interior application?. A 3 gallon spray can is definitely not the preferred method of application to get an SSD surface on this brick, prior to the application of our RureGold Cement Based Carbon Fiber at the King Juan Carlos Tower at NYU. Skyline as always did an impeccable job. Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-EXzToIzkQ